Sunday, July 11, 2010

Life, As I Know It

I have finally found myself swept up in the whirlwind adventure called life. For the first time, I don’t feel like I’m waiting for life to start, but I’m actually living it. Every moment of it. Sometimes I make the wrong choice, end up in the wrong place, but I always find myself right where I need to be.

I landed in Texas a month ago thinking I would just do what I needed to do and get through it. Instead, I made great friends and had great experiences. I fell in love with my students and with my support system. And now instead of the absolute feeling of relief I was expecting to feel at the end of this journey, I find myself saying goodbye yet again to some amazing friends.

It just goes to show you, that it does no good to build walls because truly good people can always break them down. This has been anything but a temporary life for me. My tiny jail cell has become my home, Target bag shower caddy and all. I have grown entirely too used to living no more than a floor from an entire network of people just like me.

While the anticipation of my new life in Jacksonville is strong, I find myself wondering if it will live up to this experience. But if I have learned anything about life from being here, it’s this: every experience, no matter how hard, is worth it. And there are people everywhere who make this life worth living.

“Nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it.”

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