Thursday, October 30, 2014

Totally Rad 80s Prom Gone Bad

      As a child born in the 80s and raised in the 90s, there are few things quite as awesome to me as a good ole fashioned 80s costume party.  So, when Wes and I decided to host a murder mystery dinner for our birthdays, it seemed the natural course of action to make it 80s Prom themed. 
      We had both wanted to partake in a murder mystery dinner for a long time, so we decided to take matters into our own hands and just throw one ourselves.  Wes, being the super-researcher that he is, stumbled upon, and so began the weeks of planning that led up to one of the most epic nights I have ever been a part of.  Between the photo booth, tubular 80s playlist, and radical cast of characters played by our best friends, the night was sure to be a success.  And it was.  Believe me, it was. 

      There was Benny T, who took his role as “victim” and baseball all-star so seriously that he was awarded best performance.  There was the white sangria was way too delicious and went way to fast.  There was that awesome-at-the-time moment when two of our very stylish guests made it rain from our second floor with hundreds of paper dollars (not so awesome when I had to pick them all up).  There were spectacular selfies and prom posed pictures and very serious mustaches and authentic 80s dresses worn to actual 80s proms.  There was people so in character that they became known only by their fictional names (shouts of “Royyyyy” and comments about that Ryan Rocker were common).  
      It was definitely one of those nights you talk about for weeks (maybe even months) to come. The Mayhem High School Prom will live in infamy…at least until next year’s party.

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