Monday, August 16, 2010

Found in Transition

I sometimes wish I could just get on a plane once a week or so, just to think. I do my best thinking when flying. I've thought about why before and I can't quite decide. It could be anticipation of what's to come or reflection on what's just happened. It could be the perspective of looking at the world from above; everything just seems to fall into place.

Maybe it's being closer to God, up in the sky with all his magnificence. I am just granted with a deeper understanding.

Needless to say, if I flew more often you would have a lot more to read.

As my summer is winding to a close, I've had a lot of thoughts. This summer has been one of transition. I have lived in five different rooms in four different cities. I have graduated from adolescence and into adulthood. I have learned what it takes to be fearless in pursuit of what you want and the magnificent rewards that come from it. I have seen people I thought I couldn't live without fade from my life and learned that, surprisingly, life does continue. I have also had new people come into my life, and with them came a new passion for this path I am traveling.

And from all these experiences and all these people, I have transformed into this new, independent, better version of myself.

I have found that solidarity is a gift that we must learn to appreciate. We must be content in our own company; happy in our own lives. I have found answers in music and books and conversation, and after four years of losing myself in the whirlwind of college, I have found that grace was never lost and happiness can exist in every setting, if one only knows where to look.

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